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Marking Criteria

1- Evaluation activities are worth a 50% of the term mark. 
    They must include grammar, reading, writing and listening
2- Compositions qualify for a 10% of the term mark
3- Reading activities are worth a 10% of the term mark
4- Oral production activities  contribute a 20% of the mark
5- The remaining 10% is for homework, attitude 
     and notebook presentation

Students with a bad attitude are not eligible to pass the course, 
regardless of their marks

The mark for attitude is based on the students effort to speak 
English with teacher and classmates. Good behaviour is taken for granted

Students who fail to present their homework for more than three times 
will automatically fail the term

6- The final qualification for the course is the average of the three term marks. 
In order to pass the course students must pass the last term and at least one 
of the other two.

Only for the first term, the reading part will be included in the exam, so the exam will be worth a 60 % while the rest of items -speaking, writing, notebook, attitude and homework- will represent the remaining 40 %

This is the Excel spreadsheet your teacher uses to get your final mark. Try it 
and get the mark you're aiming for!


Sample text

Sample Text